Wrinkle Reducing Recipe

Last year, I saw a hair on my face and I went to brush it off and it was a wrinkle. A new wrinkle that wasn't there the day before. Now before oils, I would have just cried a little and done some online shopping. But instead, I ran to my EO's, and have felt so empowered ever since. I love this combo in a dropper bottle with some organic rose hip seed oil. I apply it to my face and neck at night after I've washed up. Then, I cup my hands over my nose and take in a few deep breaths of the blend left on my hands because I never miss an opportunity to use every bit of my oils. Mmmmmm….. smells absolutely divine. After, I love to just lay in bed and take in the scent as I enjoy some calming meditation, which always enables me to re-focus (in this case, on some much-needed pampering instead of my wrinkly pity party). Have you tried this yet or maybe another combo you'd like to share?

1 comment:

  1. How much carrier oil do you add? What size bottle?
