Geranium EO

Properties: Antibacterial, Antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, insect repellent, refreshing, relaxing, sedative, and tonic.

Common Primary Uses: AAir purification, Tautism, Tbleeding, Tbruises, Tchapped lips, Tcradle cap, ITdiarrhea, Tdry skin, Tjaundice, Tparalysis, ATphysical stress, Tsensitive skin, TIstaph/MRSA
Folklore: During the 1600’s, European gardeners would plant geraniums around their houses to keep the evil spirits out. However, this oil is not produced from the same geranium as the house plants.

Historical Uses: Geranium oil has been used for dysentery, hemorrhoids, inflammations, heavy menstrual flow, and possibly even cancer (if the folktale is correct). It has also been said to be a remedy for bone fractures, tumors, and wounds.

French Medicinal Uses: Diabetes, diarrhea, gallbladder, gastric ulcer, jaundice, liver, sterility, urinary stones.

Other Possible Uses: This oil may be used for acne, bleeding (increases to eliminate toxins, then stops), burns, circulatory problems (improves blood flow), convulsions59, depression, digestion, eczema, hormonal imbalance, inflammation60, insomnia, kidney stones, dilating biliary ducts for liver detoxification, menstrual problems, neuralgia (severe pain along the nerve), regenerating tissue and nerves, pancreas (balances), ringworm, shingles, skin (may balance the sebum, which is the fatty secretion in the sebaceous glands of the skin that keeps the skin supple. This is good for expectant mothers as a cleanser for oily skin and for livening up pale skin), sores, sore throats, and wounds. Geranium opens the liver chakra and discharges the toxins from the liver that prevent balance.
Body System(s) Affected: Emotional Balance, Skin.

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